Random Thoughts: What is happening to America?

What the hell is going on here?

What is happening to professional sports? We now have overpaid millionaire, woke, sanctimonious, holier than thou crybabies daring to lecture fans from their lofty perches. Accusing us of being unforgivable racists and how we MUST support Black Lives matter! Does anyone think black lives DON’T matter? But their support of a marxist, destructive and now murderous organization Black Lives Matter is in fact unforgivable. These enlightened morons need to realize they are demanding support of a marxist organization that does not give a rat’s ass about black people. They want nothing but to DESTROY our Country and usher in a new Marxist, communist regime! When they start denouncing the violence instead of blaming everything on systemic racism, then maybe we will listen. The NFL, NBA and MLB wonder why they are being booed off the playing field! To these pompous, tone deaf, know nothing athletes: get off your high horses and just do what you are paid millions to do: PLAY THE GAME!

Did you ever think you would see many in our country cheer arson, looting, ambushing of police and ordinary citizens just out for the evening? Sick to my soul about the latest ambush shooting of 2 deputy sheriffs in Los Angeles. The shooter just walked up to their car and shot them. THEN, the most savage of them showed up to the hospital where the deputies were transported to and BLOCKED THE ENTRANCE TO THE HOSPITAL, chanting “We hope they die”. These animals forfeited their right to be called human beings, or even people. Again, these same animals can’t even let innocent people enjoy a quiet evening!

Liberal west coast governors blaming their mass fires on CLIMATE CHANGE! Despite story after story, arrest after arrest, brag after brag by ANITFA that THEY started the forest fires!! And the yellow, rotten to the core propagandist media run cover for these heinous actions! ANYTHING to blame everything on our President, whom they HATE with a passion unmatched.

Why does the yellow, rotten to the core media give Joe Biden a total pass on his campaign? The man has at least mid-stage Alzheimer’s, complicated by the very real possibility that he has had a stroke, probably within the last 3-6 months. I’m not a medical expert, but I’ve seen Alzheimer’s first hand, and I suffered a stroke two years ago; I see the symptoms and the aftermath. Not to mention, Biden’s spontaneous news conferences are anything but. You just have to see that clip after that one lady asked him a question, and after about 5 seconds of blank stare by Joe, he then said, move that up (referring to the teleprompter that held all his spontaneous answers} and then started reading the answers. Can you imagine the full-on outrage if our President had done that?

Think local elections don’t matter? Witness the violence and destruction in: New York, Portland, San Fransisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago. ALL Run by demorats! The mayors care more about the thugs and arsonists than about the citizens who elected them and they are supposed to represent. These mayors refused to enforce laws, allowing people arrested to get right back on the street! These mayors and city councils are defunding their police departments allowing, even cheering their cities descent into Chaos and anarchy. Local elections are where it all gets started, so PAY ATTENTION TO THESE ELECTIONS as much as to your state and national elections!

Our Country teeters precariously on the edge of a cliff! One false move and it is lights out for our country. We will NEVER get her back. Voting for demorats is a quick descent into madness, chaos and ruin. Then the real nightmare will start, with the ushering in of a socialist regime you can’t imagine. It won’t be rainbows, unicorns and kumbaya, that is for sure. But darkness, untold suffering and outright evil. We will lose everything! All of our rights ad freedoms, our homes and possibly our families! Our Constitution will be ripped to shreds!

We are fighting for the soul of our nation. what are we willing to do to save our Nation, or families? Realize this: We are under ATTACK, an invasion of insurrectionists, thugs, rioters all well financed, who seek to destroy the very fabric, the very SOUL of our nation and all it’s institutions under the guise of systemic racism. Enough is enough of thugs and lunatics taking over our streets, our cities, our Nation! All of our actions will boil down to this final act: We must vote REPUBLICAN UP AND DOWN OUR BALLOT!! It is the only way to save our Nation.

Random Thoughts: What is happening to America?