Joe Biden and his Marxist demorats are convinced Donald Trump and the extreme MAGA republicans will destroy democracy if the get elected this year. Joe Biden and Marxist demorats are the only way to preserve democracy. And guess what? They might just be right! Why is that? Do you know exactly what a democracy is? Does Joe biden and his band of vindictive Marxists demorats know? Read below and you will see why destroying a democracy is not such a bad idea.

Let’s see what democracy is.. Democracy is “rule by majority”, which equates to 50%+1. Sure, that is exactly what a democracy is… “two wolves and a lamb deciding on lunch” according to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin.. Wondering what’s for lunch today?

The United States of America is not a democracy, because our laws, our rights, are protected by the Constitution, which protects are natural, God-given rights, and are not subject to the whims of the majority. In a democracy, the majority of citizens can vote away these God-given rights like so much rubbish. They can actually make it illegal to worship God, to outlaw due process and other protections granted by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Additionally, many areas of our government require more than a “simple majority” It takes 2/3 majority to override a veto, and 2/3 of the states to call a Constitutional Convention. Three fourths of the states must ratify an Amendment to our Constitution. Our own Constitution guarantees every state a republican form of government. If you read the entire Constitution, you will simply not find the word “democracy”.

Taken to its logical conclusion, a pure democracy will descend into mobocracy and chaos. THAT is how autocracies and tyrannies are born. And that is what Joe Biden and his marxist demorats are aiming for. They simply will not accept any other form of government, or any other opinion. And observe the lengths they people will go to stop anyone they agree with. Truly if anyone is destroying democracy, it is Joe Biden and the marxists demorats.

EVERY elected official, every CANDIDATE for office regardless of party must STOP calling our country a Democracy, WE ARE NOT. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!!! Anyone who thinks otherwise does not deserve to hold office nor even run for office. SO, I actually hope Extreme MAGA republicans end up destroying democracy and revert us back to what the United states has been since 1787, a Constitutional Republic!!!


President Trump is a hero, while Demorats are big ZEROS!!

Let’s be clear here. President Trump cares about ordinary American citizens who are struggling right now due to the Demoratemic China Virus. Demorats do not care about ordinary Americans, but care ONLY about cementing their power and control over America and completing the transformation of America first alluded to in 2008 by then candidate Barack Obama. Demorats wax poetic about how they had to have at least $3 billion to help people and of course blame Republicans and our President for being obstructionists and refusing to work with them on a plan to Help  Americans. Demorats want a massive infusion of cash to support their corrupt mail-in voting campaign, flooding the post office with ballots, a process fraught with corruption. No mention there of helping struggling Americans. Demorats want money to bail out blue state broken pension systems, not one dime there to help ordinary Americans struggling because of the Demoratemic China Virus. Demorats want more funding for government programs  that will benefit only their friends and donors. Not ONE DIME to help struggling American Citizens.  Demorats want to give stimulus checks to ILLEGALS, that’s right, ILLEGALS but not ONE DIME to struggling Americans!

SO, our President decided to use HIS pen to sign four executive actions geared specifically to help struggling Americans. These four actions include: payroll tax holidays; $400.00 extension of Federal unemployment benefits; Student loan relief; eviction relief. ALL designed and targeted specifically to struggling Americans; REAL relief that REAL Americans need right now!!!

Demorats say it’s not enough and too narrow; That is what our PRESIDENT intended for this relief. It’s NOT a blank check, like Demorats demanded. How dare botox Nancy and Lurch Schumer accuse republicans of not wanted to work a deal when it is DEMORATS who refuse to even listen to compromise plans. Demorats can’t wait to complete the destruction of America and are now stamping their feet, clutching their pearls and landing on their fainting couches, rushing to their liberal, rotten to the core propogantist partners in the media to pontificate the evils of President Trump’s executive actions. How DARE our President help struggling Americans! How dare our President put a pin in their plans to complete crush America!  Whether you agree or disagree with Executive Actions (keep in mind, sainted Obama signed plenty), the fact is struggling Americans backs are against the wall right now, teetering on the brink, and don’t have weeks to waste while politicians grandstand and pontificate. President Trump did the only thing he could: he is helping Americans NOW!

And instead of condemning him, we should be grateful we have a President who puts American citizens FIRST, not last.

President Trump is a hero, while Demorats are big ZEROS!!